Leveraging the power of the connecters

to combat polarization

and unite people and societies

« The root cause of all the problems we have in the world today is ignorance of course. But most, polarization. »

« The world is polarized. The middle class becomes smaller. The polarization makes the difference between rich and the poor big. This is true. »

« Hatred, anger, and violence can destroy us: the politics of polarization is dangerous. »

« Hatred, anger, and violence can destroy us: the politics of polarization is dangerous. »

«We are living in an increasingly polarised world (…) A place where more and more have lost the ability to see one another’s point of view.»

« Frankly speaking, the country I have the honor to represent and where I am chancellor has difficulties. And polarization is something that we see in our country as well, which we haven’t had for decades. »

Uber against Discriminations

In the Spring of 2021, Uber France launched its campaign “Ni dehors, ni à bord” (« Neither outside, nor on board”) with DDB Agency, condemning all forms of violence and discrimination. Uber developed the campaign with a number of nonprofits dedicated to fighting violences (Collectif féministe contre le viol, HandsAway, SOS homophobie et Stop harcèlement de rue).

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Netflix against Racism

In June 2020, as protests supporting the Black Lives Matter movement swept the United States, Netflix launched a new “Black Lives Matter” collection to U.S. subscribers, featuring over 45 titles about racial injustice and the experience of Black Americans.

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American Express and PSG celebrate Diversity and Inclusion

In November 2020, American Express, in partnership with the French Paris Saint Germain, launched a massive media campaign celebrating diversity and inclusion, two themes valued as « real levers of performance and success ».

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